Important Instructions
All original certificates including the Community certificate produced by the applicants at the time of admission will be retained at the College office and will not be returned under any circumstances till the student leaves the institution. They are, therefore advised to take more than ten copies of all certificates before submitting the originals to the college.
No foreign student will be admitted to the College unless she/he holds a regular long-term visa issued by an Indian Embassy abroad.
Withdrawal after Admission
A student who has once enrolled and paid the fees for a course is expected to complete the course and must not withdraw from the college. If a student desires to leave the college during the first semester she/he will have to pay the entire fees with special fees etc., for the whole year.
If a student leaves after first month at any time prior to the completion of the course she/he will have to pay the fees for the entire course for 3 years.
Those who wish to take a Transfer certificate will have to apply to the Principal after remitting Rs.100/-. Transfer and other certificates will be issued only after 15 days-from the date of requisition. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.